Friday, July 30, 2010

The Primary Goal

My goal of blogging daily may have to be put on hold. Indy (my lovely laptop) has been having some issues with the USB ports not always recognizing devices. His warranty will be up on the 16th, so I'm taking him to the Sony store to get checked out while I still can.

I don't know if they'll have to keep him for a while. If they do, I'll only have my iPhone (who has yet to be named) for internet usage. I may blog, but it'll be difficult. I'll probably just make myself journal daily instead.

On the plus side, this is a result of me being organized and taking care of things that need attention. Not procrastinating. And not having the internet around may make it easier for me to finish doing the life organization I need to. I am easily distracted by technology...

I feel like this is a setback, like I'm falling down on my goals only two days after making them, but I need to recognize that sometimes one goal may take precedence. It's about finding a way to do what needs to be done and let go of the stress of everything else. It's about being an adult without driving myself into the ground. I think that's the most important thing I need to learn from all of my goal-making.

The primary goal, the one reached by striving for all of my others, is to learn how to find the balance in my life.


  1. Balance and priorities, very important. You are doing fine.

  2. Isn't there a Yiddish proverb about "Man plans, God laughs"? Or as a co-teacher of mine used to say, "You can't win for all the losing". You do the best you can, knowing that the universe will occasionally screw with you.

    Rock on with the organizing, balance and priorities, don't worry about the daily blogging!

  3. Yup, good for you! I hope Indy can be fixed with little trouble! Cassie sends her best wishes for a speedy recovery too. ;)

    I actually had to disable Facebook e-mail notifications recently, to better discipline myself. Uh, mostly at work. Ahem. Not that I'm exactly great at it anyway, but it does help. I sort of have to tell myself, "It's okay; it will all still be there when you do check it." (And then keep myself from going ahead and checking it a bunch during the day anyway.)

    So I guess what I'm saying is, yeah. The Internet will still be there when you get Indy back. You'll have the rest of however long you want to blog, to write every day.

    By the same token, the house-elves will not, unfortunately, do my dishes while I'm out. So too much of this is a recipe for a pretty messy house, among other things. But learning to forgive ourselves for not Getting Absolutely Everything Done Every Day is a good thing. :) It is a question of balance.

    Aside, when you do get good Internet access and have free time to lose without harming your real priorities, you should definitely look up Hyperbole and a Half, already! Seriously, it is hilarious stuff--and it's funny how many things are reminding me of this particular entry lately:

    I'm not saying that you do this? But I definitely do something similar. Only I don't tell it in such a side-splitting fashion. ;)

  4. Off topic here, on topic over in the land of Betties:

    You're dreaming about kittens? That means you are pregnant and the baby is a girl who will grow up to be a high priestess of Bast. I though everyone knew that's what dreaming about kittens means.

  5. Oh Fokker, that's just mean. LOL, don't even tease about that. Sierra, in answer to your kitten dreams question, one of the other Betties mentioned 'what do they mean to you.' That's where I would have started too. Generally they would symbolize fresh starts, new beginnings, a lightness or frivolity. Or new birth, but maybe not the way Fokker means.

  6. Ah, man plans and God laughs. Thusly, goals have to be fluid and movable. My advice (not that you asked, LOL) would be to keep a list of things you WILL blog about, write it everyday, jot down notes and ideas. Then, when you're back online, hit us with it! Until then keep up the daily posts with a tweet-like blurb.

    First time I've visited, thanks for having me!

  7. I'm a naughty Fokker. I'd blush, but we all know I have no shame. Anyway, I'm thinking about Avery. Post as soon as you can. Nosy Fokkers want to know.

  8. Kitties = fear of something that pounces on your toes and chews them ragged when you least expect it?

  9. Ha! I'm the Betty that suggested that the dream images are about what they mean to you.

    Popping in to say Hi and that I'm thinking of you. Take care.

  10. Just checking in, ya know, all mom-like with concern. Hope you are well.

  11. I have to tell you that, when considering a Betty name, Bonnie Betty was one of my first thoughts. Thank the gods Fokker came up with an alternative :)

  12. I name all of my electronics too :) And boo to broken laptops. I've tried blogging with the blogger app on my iPhone and all it did was cause me to swear loudly in new and interesting word combinations because I couldn't convince the iPhone that when I spelled "f**king" I absolutely did not mean to speak "ducking."
